@ PP
the texts reveal an evolving character, not a singular nature or personality.
The evidence doesn't support this view. The evidence does show a consistent chain of witnesses presenting the orthodox view on the nature of Jesus from the time the events occured all the way through to a gathering of hundreds of congregation leaders in the 4th century.
Jesus is called God in Jn. 1:1
Jesus is called God manifest in the flesh in 1 Tim. 3: 16
Jesus is called God by Thomas in Jn 20: 28
Jehovah calls Jesus God in Heb. 1: 8
Titus 2: 23 says Jesus is our God and Savior
Col. 2: 9 says Jesus has the fullness of God
Ignatius (AD 50-117) "Jesus Christ our God"; "the blood of God"; "God in man... Jesus Christ"; our God, Jesus the Christ; "God appeared in human form"; "our God Jesus Christ"; "Jesus Christ, the God who made you".
Polycarp (AD 69-155) "our Lord and God Jesus Christ"
Justin Martyr (AD 100-165) "Christ being Lord, and God the Son of God"; He [Jesus] deserving to be worshipped, as God and as Christ"; the first-begotten Word of God, is even God; "He was God.
Melito of Sardis (died c. AD 180) Pastor of the congregation in Sardis "they slew God"
The Alexamenos graffito (AD 200) Hostile witness testimony that Jesus was worshipped as God. "Alex worshipes his God".
Irenaeus of Lyons (AD 130-202) "He is Himself in His own right, beyond all men who ever lived, God, and Lord, and King Eternal, and the Incarnate Word"; He was very God; "He is God (for the name Emmanuel indicates this) and He shows that He is a man".
Clement of Alexandria (AD 150-215) "He alone being both, God and man"; "He that is truly most manifest Deity, He that is made equal to the Lord of the universe; because He was His Son, and the Word was in God"
Tertullian (AD 150-225) "Christ is Spirit of Spirit, and God of God"
Megiddo Mosaic (AD 230) "Jesus is God"
Hippolytus of Rome (AD 170-235) "the Logos is God"; "God the Word"; "was manifested as God in a body"
Origen (AD 185-254) "Jesus Christ...was incarnate although God"; "the omnipotence of Father and Son is one and the same".
In 325 AD several hundred church Pastors gathered together to look at the heretical teachings of Arius. They took a vote and it was a unanimous vote against Arius with two bishops abstaining. The views of Arius were condemned and the the teachig that Jesus is God was reafirmed.
Never has there been a more consistent view on a subject so well attested and defended than the deity of Jesus.